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Computer Ergonomics: Protect Yourself from Pain and Strain

Computer ergonomics were once considered a luxury. But things have changed and today more and more people are realizing that these products are a vital part of their health. 

When it comes to why one should use ergonomic products in their workplace, probably the main reason is that it reduces the chance of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), back problems, and other injuries, which all represent low sickness levels and absenteeism. But that is not all! The consequences are actually even more far-reaching. 

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Below, we'll explain why. We'll also introduce you to some of the ergonomic products available and which problems they can help avoid. 

Why You Should Invest in Ergonomic Computer Products?

  • Using ergonomic computer products has shown to result in fewer injuries, less illness and increased health awareness
  • Employees literally feel better about their work, so they get more job satisfaction. This in turn leads to increased productivity and better work quality. 
  • Reduced indirect costs from lower insurance to lower risk of legal proceedings
  • The company image is enhanced as a forward-thinking and caring employer organization

Key Computer Ergonomic Products to Invest

Ergonomic Mouse 

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An ergonomic mouse is designed with the human body in mind. It allows you to keep your hands, wrists, elbows and arms in a natural position. Some ergonomic mice feature a classic shape design that mirrors the hand in a weightless environment. Others have a vertical design that allows you to grasp it with a handshake grip. Both designs can help make you more productive, reduce fatigue and prevent common conditions like mouse arm syndrome, carpal tunnel and RSI. 

You may be surprised to find out that something as simple as switching to mouse ergonomics can make you more productive and energetic, but it's like any time you make changes for better health. When you replace harmful behaviours or elements with healthy ones, you often can't believe you took so long to make the change. 

Nowadays, you can find a wide range of ergonomic mice available on the market to suit different needs. Some even offer the ability to program buttons. If you perform the same set of actions throughout the day, you can program the mouse to do them in a click. For example, if you're a programmer, you can speed your work by assigning a button for repeated tasks like copy, paste, delete, undo or simulate a combination of keystrokes. And if you are a gamer, using an ergonomic mouse can help reduce the load from your keyboard and save your thumb and index fingers from the heavy pounding you normally experience. 

Ergonomic Keyboard

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The keyboard's thinness prevents you from having to bend your hands as you do with thicker conventional keyboards. The mouse can also be placed closer to the keyboard, which helps you relax your arms and shoulders. Some models have a V-shape that allows both of your hands to type at a slight angle. This is far more natural physiologically and again, reduces the chances of injuries, especially RSI. 

Monitor Arm

With an adjustable monitor arm, you can adjust your screen to your ideal height so that you naturally adopt a healthy posture. A healthy posture includes back straight and not rounded, chest out and shoulders more pinned back. This ergonomic accessory also gives you a lot more flexibility - for example, to quickly show something to a colleague standing beside you or to reposition the screen to let you cross-refer a document. 

Laptop Stand

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So, if like many, you too need a laptop in your life, at least make sure you don't injury yourself. A laptop stand or notebook riser can help you minimise the negative impact of using this gadget. For example, the top of your screen should preferably be at eye level, but this is impossible with a laptop. A laptop stand can correct that.